Thursday, November 13, 2008


We went to a beach call shell beach Tuesday.
I wasn't a sandy beach it had caves and lots of rocks.
there in the rocks was an octopus which someone else and us being me and dad captured.
It was about a foot long from tenticale to tentacale if it wanted to be but most of the time it curled up in to a ball and changed colors to hid. When we finaly grabed inked shooting ink out of the box it was in and aboujt 3 feet away. it was fun....

also i cut my leg after falling of a rock at the beach and got a cut half the way down my lowwer leg.
AND... found some cool rock,shells and crab bits.
I will get pics soon.( i will post in next blog most likly tomorrow.)

1 comment:

katjandu said...

Gavin, It was great reading about your trip to the beach. I would like to see a live octopus and especially witness ink squirting.

Take care of that cut, please.